
"excellent customer service and EXCELLENT results!"

Amazon Sellers List

The most comprehensive Amazon seller database on the Internet

Rated 5/5

Trusted by:



Create a custom list based on your criteria from a wide range of sellers.

Exclude the sellers you've already contacted.



Data from all major Amazon marketplaces:










Get in touch with decision-makers via:




Phone (office numbers)

Amazon messages

Direct mail



All emails are validated to keep your deliverability as high as possible.



To give you a full picture of a sellers' performance on Amazon.

Choose your list size

1,000 sellers

$0.49 per lead
Customized list based on your criteria
5 ways of contact (email, LinkedIn, phone, Amazon messages, direct mail)
35 data points
>97% delivery rate
Instant data delivery
Free sample

2,000 sellers

$0.39 per lead
20% cost savings

5,000 sellers

$0.29 per lead
40% cost savings

500 sellers

$0.79 per lead
>95% accuracy
emails validated - jaki bounce
delivery time
55 data points
4 ways of contact (email, phone, direct mail, Amazon message)

1,000 sellers

$0.49 per lead
Awesome feature
Awesome feature
Awesome feature

5,000 Sellers

$0.39 per lead
Awesome feature
Awesome feature
Awesome feature

Need a larger Amazon sellers list or data from other marketplaces (Walmart, eBay...)? Contact us here.

How we make sure you get a high return on investment from our Amazon sellers list:

You can order a very targeted list based on any of the 35 data points

All emails are validated to ensure high deliverability

We provide free help with your cold email campaigns

ROI Calculator

Estimate your return on investment

Expected results

Potential new customers: 8

Potential new lifetime value: $8,000

ROI: 1,632.65%

What our customers say about working with us

"Excellent & quick service for a fair price"

They quoted us a price that was less than 1/3 of what other companies quoted us at. Plus, they got it done is just a few days (over the Christmas holiday weekend, nonetheless!)

We could not have asked for a better or faster solution for a fairer price!

✪ Mark P
Verified G2 Reviewer

"Professional and always takes the service in the most serious way"

It has been incredible working with such dedicated people and the end result is just as good.

All the scraped information is correct and delivered on time (and sometimes even before!)

✪ Louis V
Verified G2 Reviewer

"Excellent Customer Service and EXCELLENT Results!"

They not only delivered everything in a timely manner, but went above and beyond to make sure we could easily scrub the lists and manage a large, large volume of data easily and efficiently.

They went beyond just delivering us the data, but making sure we had what we needed to manage it also.

✪ Jennifer
Verified G2 Reviewer

Tell us more about the data you need

And we'll confirm their availability and count asap!

Your name*
How many leads do you need?*
Please fill all the required fields!
Please accept terms and conditions to proceed

Customized list of Amazon sellers based on your criteria

5 ways of contact (email, LinkedIn, phone, Amazon messages, direct mail)

35 data points

>97% delivery rate

Instant data delivery

Blazing fast support

Free campaign optimization help

Free samples


Frequently Asked Questions

To compile our Amazon sellers lists, we scraped a couple thousand of the top products from each Amazon subcategory (down to 8 levels of granularity) and visited their seller profiles. Then, enriched the data with decision-maker contact details and verified the data for accuracy.

While it's not explicitly stated on the seller's profile if they sell products of their own brand, we checked if the seller name exactly matches one of the brands they sell. Based on this, we can be pretty sure that they actually own the brand.

We update our Amazon sellers database every month to keep it fresh.

We created our own predictive model for estimating sellers' revenue based on 11 data points from our database.

Just send them to us and we'll have them replaced for you at no extra cost.

Yes, just send us the list of Amazon seller IDs or company names you need excluded and we'll provide you with net new sellers.

Sure, we can get other data points for both sellers and products - just let us know what you need!

Yes, we currently have data from 7 international Amazon marketplaces (US, CA, UK, DE, FR, IT, ES), Walmart, and eBay (US, CA, UK, DE).

And if you need data from other websites, we can get it for you as well - just reach out!

All datasets are available as Excel files.

Of course. How often the data will be scraped is completely up to you - be it daily, weekly, monthly, or any other schedule.

If the data is displayed publicly, we can get it for you from any website. Please send your project details through the form above and let's talk about the details.

We accept any credit card, wire transfer, or PayPal payments. You can pay in your currency of choice.

Sure, just send us your company details after the purchase.

Please reach out through the contact form or the video widget in the bottom right corner of the page.

Please send us your details through this form and we'll remove your contact data immediately.

Need more info? Email support at kacper@scrapelabs.io

Copyright © SCRAPELABS 2020-2024. All rights reserved.

We are not affiliated with Amazon or any of its subsidiaries. All trademarks and copyright are the property of their respective owners.

Made Scraped with ❤️️ remotely in Europe

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